The Director General, National Financial Investigation Agency in Equatorial Guinea, Baltasar Ebang Engonga, has been arrested for allegedly recording over 400 ‘workout’ videos of the wives of notable people in the country.
The scandal emerged in the course of a fraud investigation against the 54-year-old Economist which resulted in the search of his house and office on impromptu notice by ANIF officials who came across several CDs that later revealed his s3xcapades with different married women.
The videos reportedly include encounters with high-profile individuals, such as his brother’s wife, his cousin, the sister of the President of Equatorial Guinea, the Director General of Police’s wife, and about 20 of the country’s ministers’ wives, among others. The footage, discovered in his personal office, was said to have been recorded with c3nsent and has since been leaked online, causing a media uproar.
These encounters took place in his office, hotels, and toilets, with all scenes being recorded with the participants’ consent. He was initially arrested on corruption charges, but during the investigation, authorities discovered the tapes on his computer and leaked them to the public.
However, speaking on the viral sextapes, the Attorney General of the country, Nzang Nguema, has proposed to submit Baltasar Engonga, the main author of the videos circulating on social networks, to medical tests to determine if he suffers from any s3xually transmitted disease, considering that it is a case that thr3atens public health.
He stressed that, although the images suggest that the women involved were not ford to participate, the law does not consider consensual s3xual relations to be a crime, unless cercion or vilence is proven. This highlights the importance of victims reporting situations of s3xual abse or a§§ault.
Nguema also emphasised that the risk is not only for the women involved but also for their partners and the wider community, adding, “The possibility of a contagious disease being spread through these s3xual interactions makes the situation even more critical.
He further pointed out that the onus is on victims to come forward in cases of rape or assault, highlighting the need for an environment where people feel safe and supported to report such incidents.
Reacting to the development on Monday, Equatorial Guinea has decided to take action by immediately suspending all officials who have had s3xual relations in the offices of the country’s ministries.
The government claimed that the decision was part of its “zero tolerance” policy towards behaviour that compromises the integrity of the public service.
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