Can you imagine that my fellow tenant cut my connecting pipe supplying water to my flat kitchen. What is the destiny of this man if i sue him to Court. what happened is that a neigbor who also lived in the same compound finished building his house and he packed out from the compound to his new house.
of all the tenants in the house none came to say to this man like hi are you packing away or we will miss you o, even though this man has been of help to all tenants as he is always around when none is and he settle matters of urgent neccessity and some without asking for refund. I was the only one that help him that day and also drove one of his car with his children to his new house. The Landlord has one tank for us and one on the ground for reserve. This man packing out has his personal Tank up after the general Tank.
He appreciated my support and gave me that tank for free to use for my flat and to connect his small engineering office still in the compound. The envious neigbours gathered about that tank that the man is no more in the compound that let them use it to join the general water Tank for everybody in the compound. i told them that man has given me the tank for personal use and to connect his office too.
they said no, i must give it to the general tenants, i refused. i have connected the tank to my flat but only discovered that the water to my kitchen sink runs from the general pipe to the back into my kitchen and if i must connect that one too on that day i will run more pipes that will cost me N25,000, already i"ve spent 50,000 to do all the connection both electrical and change over that i can pump from my prepaid or generator for my flat.
so i ask the plumber to leave the kitchen until i gather momentum again. the next thing is this man went and cut off my pipe connecting my kitchen and on top of that called the caretaker so that she can come and force me to give the whole compound the tank or carry it down.
Pls i confronted him that he has no right to cut me off from the general water Tank as all of us pay for it until i decides to completely do so, he told me what can i do? this envious follow tenant(s) are hungary of free stony beans in a secl
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