Serial s£x abuser and disgraced urologist Darius Paduch was sentenced Wednesday, Nov. 20, to life in prison for s£xually assaulting male patients, including six minors, for more than a decade at some of the city’s most prestigious hospitals.
Paduch, 57, was convicted on May 8 of six counts of inducing a person to travel to engage in unlawful sexual activity and five counts of inducing a minor to engage in unlawful s£xual activity for the years of abuse.
He was handed a life sentence by Judge Ronnie Abrams Wednesday, according to the Manhattan US Attorney’s Office.
“Darius Paduch was a s£xual predator who preyed on patients seeking treatment for sensitive medical issues,” US Attorney Damian Williams said in a statement.
“He used his position as a renowned urologist at prestigious hospitals to s£xually @ssault vulnerable patients, including children, to gratify his own s£xual desires.”
The creep doctor @bused dozens of patients under the guise of medical treatments backed by the prestige of his employers — including Weill Cornell Medical Center, New York-Presbyterian Hospital, Columbia University and Northwell Health Systems — to cause his victims to doubt the @buse and often return to his office for more, prosecutors said.
A total of 310 victims have come forward with allegations and lawsuits against Paduch — breaking the horrific record of the most male victims @bused by a single pr£dator, according to a lawyer for some of the plaintiffs, Anthony DiPietro.
The urologist’s abuse goes back to 2007 and continued through at least 2019 at several different hospitals, according to evidence presented during his two-week grand jury trial.
Some of the victims were @bused by the doctor — who specialized in infertility and male reproductive health — for several years during medical appointments.
Paduch would m@sturbate his patients, order them to m@sturbate while he watched, use his hand to penetrate them without gloves and press his own erect p£nis against their bodies during the medical appointments, prosecutors said.
He also used s£x toys on his victims, feds said.
Paduch — who’s been behind bars since his April 2023 arrest — claimed to his victims that the @buse was part of medically necessary exams.
“Paduch’s @buse was p£rverse and pervasive, spanning over a decade and v!ctimizing patients both inside and outside of hospital rooms. He repeatedly violated his oath to ‘Do No Harm,'” Williams said.
“Today’s sentence demonstrates that medical providers who exploit their position of trust to commit s£*ual @buse will be held accountable for their conduct.”
The disgraced doctor is also facing multiple civil lawsuits from a total of 310 former patients and victims.
The lawsuits detail further disturbing patterns of alleged @buse — including inflicting pain on his patients by skipping anesthesia during unnecessary procedures and performing p£nile enlargements that led to disfigurement.
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